Photos from my exhibition in August 21: “future lab”, artkartell projectspace, PP center, Budapest, from 05.08. - 05.09.21
”panta rhei”, our time, looks like everythings is changing in a fast, and a furios way. And it is not going forward and to a better world, it’s going up and down, back and forward and it seems, nobody realy knows, where it is going. So the future is in the dark, that´s what it always was, but now many people are afraid of what will come, and in the same time, they await, what will come, courios and expectant, cause there is only one life we all got. So we must be carefull and fear but want the things and the changes we might need at the same time. So I painted some fantasies about a future, which are different to our every day experiences. And may be, thats not, what will happen in that way I paint this, but it´s a look into a fare away future, that may happen or not. We all don’t know this time.
This exihibition has two parts: the paintings, and a black light installation, which is inspired by the question, what ist the identity of men and of young girls and boys. LGBTIQ, many people fought for their rights, and it was a long and bitter way and struggle. It seems, there is a light on the horizon in Europe, but now you see dark spots on the picture of the future. My blacklight installation shows how fragile and not sure is the identity in that age grown ups call puberty, when the personality and the character and the sexuell orientation comes to find it´s form and meaning and contents. The time the personality of a young man or women raises and finds it´s consciousness. It´s needed a time without pressure, a time with love and joy and space, free space. Enjoy the pictures and feel the importance of freedom for everybody, a life without pressure. We need the creativity and intelligence and the fantasy of everybody, every women, every man, every member of the LGBTIQ community. We haven´t to loose anyone. We need the whole potential of life. Be free to get it, art will help !!
Every quant of energy is needed to stay the coming challenges.
"future lab", 190 x 170 cm, oil and acylic on canvas, collage, 2015
"last supper" 270 x 220 cm, oil + acylic on canvas, collage, 2012
"maria and josef", 190 x 170 cm, oil and acrylic on canvas, collage, 2012
"good bye mr bunga bunga", 190 x 170 cm, oil and acrylic on canvas, collage, 2012
"serial girl", 220 x 200, oil and acrylic on canvas, collage, 2015
"serial girl golden age", 290 x 220 cm, oil and acryl on canvas, collage
"keep me warm", 290 x 220 cm, oil and acryl on canvas, collage, 2012
"rosen und gras, nichts ist vergessen", 160 x 293 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2019
"broken rainbow", blacklight installation
"broken rainbow", blacklight installation
"broken rainbow", blacklight installation
"broken rainbow", blacklight installation
"broken rainbow", blacklight installation
"broken rainbow", blacklight installation
"broken rainbow", blacklight installation
"broken rainbow", blacklight installation
"broken rainbow", blacklight installation
"broken rainbow", blacklight installation
"broken rainbow", blacklight installation
"broken rainbow", blacklight installation
"broken rainbow", blacklight installation
"broken rainbow", blacklight installation
"broken rainbow", blacklight installation
one picture from the start of the exhibition