Római Rajzok - Paintigs and drawings
All of September I was in Rome, as a guest of the Hungarian Cultural Institute. During this time I collected many motifs on my forays through Rome that I photographed or draw. This material and the impressions that I gained in Rome, I now present in drawings and later in larger pictures and works. In particular, the motifs of street art and graffiti that I have seen everywhere in Rome will not be neglected. This of course also applies to the many pictures and motifs from churches in which I have found impressive installations, and of course also to the objects in the museums that can drive you crazy. I hope you like this work and the underlying motifs.
„Római Rajzok“ Nr. I , Zeichnungen, Bilder und Collagen nach street art Motiven aus Rom, 100x70 cm, (40x28 inch), acrylic on paper, 2021
„Római Rajzok“ Nr. II, Zeichnungen, Bilder und Collagen nach street art Motiven aus Rom, 100x70 cm, (40x28 inch), acrylic on paper, 2021
„Római Rajzok“ Nr. III, Zeichnungen, Bilder und Collagen nach street art Motiven aus Rom, 100x70 cm, (40x28 inch), acrylic on paper, 2021
„Római Rajzok“ Nr. IV, Zeichnungen, Bilder und Collagen nach street art Motiven aus Rom, 100x70 cm, (40x28 inch), acrylic on paper, 2021
„Római Rajzok“ Nr V, Zeichnungen, Bilder und Collagen nach street art Motiven aus Rom, 100x70 cm, (40x28 inch), acrylic on paper, 2021
„Római Rajzok“ Nr. VI, Zeichnungen, Bilder und Collagen nach street art Motiven aus Rom, 100x70 cm, (40x28 inch), acrylic on paper, 2021
„Római Rajzok“ Nr. VII, Zeichnungen, Bilder und Collagen nach street art Motiven aus Rom, 100x70 cm, (40x28 inch), acrylic on paper, 2021
„Római Rajzok“ Nr VIII, Zeichnungen, Bilder und Collagen nach street art Motiven aus Rom, 100x70 cm, (40x28 inch), acrylic on paper, 2021
„Római Rajzok“ Nr. IX, Zeichnungen, Bilder und Collagen nach street art Motiven aus Rom, 100x70 cm, (40x28 inch), acrylic on paper, 2021
„Római Rajzok“ Nr X, Zeichnungen, Bilder und Collagen nach street art Motiven aus Rom, 100x70 cm, (40x28 inch), acrylic on paper, 2021